Tag Archives: mom and dad

Life at my Parent’s

I haven’t lived at home since the first year Justin and I were married. We rented the basement of their home, at the time. That is nearly 9 years ago.

Since then, my parents have moved twice. It takes about 4 hours drive time to get to them now.

The boys and I loaded up Monday morning and took the drive through Portland afternoon traffic and then suddenly solitary on I-84 through the Columbia River Gorge and over into Washington at Umatilla. One of my favorite drives of all time. It even wins over the Oregon coast . . . well, they’re closely tied anyway. 🙂

I shut off a part of myself. Relax and just go with the flow when I’m here . . . stepping outside my little world and breathing for a moment. I drink good coffee and eat great dinners.  I laugh and hang with my parents; realizing with every moment how precious these times are, how precious my parents are. I’m blessed to have such parents that I can do the above with! They are loving and gracious towards my high energy boys and so loving and supportive of me!

Visiting my parents solidifies and even builds, that sense of family and belonging; support unparalleled. I love my boys and husband, that sense of family is priceless  . . .  but there is something irreplaceable about the extended sense of family as well . . . and it goes together wonderfully. I know, when it comes to family I be blessed! 🙂

We’ve been here since Monday and, so far, have done little more than hang out, take walks and play with Max, the Blue Macaw.

Visiting the mom and pop . . . LOVE it!

Here’s to another, almost 2 weeks of family time. . . 🙂

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Mom’s House

My mom and dad, both, live in my mom’s house . . . 🙂

We visited my mom and dad this past week.

The boys always always enjoy Granny’s house!  My dad feeds the wild birds . . . he just sprinkles the bird seed on the ground and, anytime you look outside, there is a small flock of birds eating away.  Samuel deemed himself ‘Official Bird Chaser.’   Whenever he glanced outside and there sat those birds . . . he shoved his shoes on and ran outside whooping and carrying on, kamakazy child.  Um, sometimes he forgot other articles of clothing though . . . such as his pants.

When you do have an actual hot tub . . . you won’t need one of these.

Oh, the things we’ll do to entertain the kiddos.

A local bakery down the road from my mom’s, perhaps, makes the biggest, bestest doughnuts ever!  We splurged just one day . . . I’d like an award for that temptation resistance!

We left yesterday. It is nearly always windy through the Columbia Gorge, but yesterday topped any of my previous experiences.  My family (my grandparents, uncles and aunts) have lived up there since I was born, so I’ve made that trip just a few times.  The weather was volatile, and breathtakingly beautiful!

We stopped at the Bonneville Dam fish hatchery, just east of Multnomah Falls, on the way to my mom and dad’s.  We enjoyed it so much, we stopped there, again, on the way home . . . these photos are from yesterday’s excursions.  It would downpour, sunshine, downpour, sunshine . . . very little in between weather. Oh, and these photos don’t even come close to giving the area justice . . . I believe the Columbia Gorge, just might, be the most gorgeous scenery ever!

Thats the boys and the gift shop in the background . . . Its about to rain again. We were soaked by the time we were ready to go.

We fed the ponds of fish . . . Rainbow Trout, I believe.  Though there was the occasional duck . . .

The very friendly ducks.

What strange . . . I mean, beautiful . . . boys I have. 🙂  If you go through the Gorge, check out the fish hatchery there at the Bonneville Dam . . . we went on a friend’s referral and were pleasantly surprised at the lush flower beds and park-like setting!

We drove on, two hours later, and we couldn’t resist stopping at Multnomah falls.  Being a weekday, the parking lot was near empty (unlike on the way there, the parking lot was overfilled).

Ok, this post is getting long . . . I’m gonna wrap it up.  I took A LOT of photos . . . here’s a few of the drive.  After Multnomah Falls, we drove up to the Vista House, overlooking the Gorge, and then followed HWY 30 into Troutdale/Portland area.  I had never been up there and I was stunned at the beauty of it all!  I get a manuel camera in two weeks, my mom’s old one, and I’m so excited at the prospect of taking some awesome photos . . . after I learn to use it. 🙂

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For, what felt like a disappointing week, ended with such uplifting beauty and a reminder of what matters to me.


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Away From Home . . . And Hubby

Rode down to Eugene with my sis, Kelli, on Friday, to have the opportunity to meet my new nephew, River Ezriah Matthews. Oh my, almost makes me wanna have another . . . not quite. 🙂 This isn’t my ‘puter, so I don’t have any photos to upload.

Saturday we loaded up mid-afternoon, into my parent’s truck and headed north . . . after, of course, one last trip to see Megan, Bill and River.

We weren’t even to Coburg before both boys were snoozing.

We had decided to swing by the apartment, in Salem, and grab my trusty jogging stroller.  An hour and a half after leaving Eugene, we took exit 158 and headed towards my apartment building.  We’re sitting at the light right before our street and watch 2 fire trucks, lights flashing and horns blaring rip through the intersection, into the wrong lane, around the median and down my street.  Our light turned green and we went through, turned on our street and we’re forced to park outside the complex due to the entrance clogged by, not two, but 4 fire trucks and multiple emergency vehicles.  My heart skipped in my chest a few beats before I realized it was the apartment 2 doors down from mine that was on fire.  They had it contained quickly but that didn’t keep the stinky, house-burning-down-smoke, from invading my senses.  That brought memories back of our family home burning in 1998.  Crazy experience, as a lot of people have found. So, my thoughts are with the family that has to, now, deal with the aftereffects of that ordeal!

Back on the road we went.  The boys were still snoozing . . . they managed to remain asleep until we reached the The Dalles, 5 hours into the trip! Amazing!  And, when we finally rolled up to my parent’s house in the Tri-Cities . . . they went right to bed and sleep! Fabulous!

So, today, we’re dragging a bit.  Boys have been a tad cranky . . . ok, a lot cranky and tired, even with a 4 hour nap.  I think I’ve just plain worn them out.  Poor little dudes.

My cousin, Michaelle’s 4 year old boy, Matteo, came over for the day . . . so they played hard again this morning; hence the really long nap.

Thats about it.  Photos to follow, when I get home, put them on my own ‘puter and remember to put them on here. 🙂

Hope everyone has a great week!!

ps . . . Justin stayed home due to his work schedule.  Not not NOT the ideal.  I don’t care much for taking trips without me hubby! . . . it just worked out that way this time. I miss him SO very much and its only been 3 days.  Heart is growing fonder, I do believe!


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