I have fond affections for my truck. Yes, MY truck . . . Justin thinks he’s part owner, but, in reality, is mine. Don’t tell him

It’s not a top of the line anything. It even has a few years (11) of usage under it’s belt. It doesn’t matter. I still hold it’s black gargantuan self on a pedestal of love and appreciation.

It eats gas like its made of cotton candy . . . melting my money away in the saliva of life.

I had it “trip checked” at Les Schwab before heading out on our drive to my parent’s. I also had the oil and other levels checked at Oil Can Henry’s before hitting the highway (I might be a tad paranoid). Oil Can Henry’s employee told me the coolant was near empty and to keep an eye on that during our trip.

It never acted like it was getting hot, so I didn’t worry about it until the next day, after arriving, and my dad and I checked it. We added nearly a gallon of coolant.

Yeah, that’s bad.

My Aunt Bev and Uncle Rick have lived here for 30+ years and they recommended their mechanic at Tri-City Auto Repair (Pasco). I explained my coolant was leaking and brought it to them this morning.

Afraid it was going to be a 200 dollar repair, I was prepared for bad news . . . But, thank God, it was only a 75$ repair. A clip was bad on the upper radiator hose (there must be more than one hose to the radiator, learn something new everyday).

Grateful it was so minor!

We had a great time picnicking at the park today. Someone invited the Seagulls. The boys fed and chased the gulls, played in the water features and on the playground. After spending even more time out in the backyard in the kid pool and getting into Grandpa’s decorative rock in the flower beds for the umpteenth time, nap time ensued. 3 hours later, they are up and watching cartoons in Granny’s room; a favorite.

I miss Justin. He had to stay behind due to work, tons and tons of work. 😦 Distance makes a heart grow fonder . . . true dat!

I hope everyone enjoys their 4th of July weekend!! No crazy plans here. Maybe go down and watch the fireworks over the river. We’ll see.

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